Meet Me


(Best. Financial. Friend.)

I am here for you- to teach you how to take control of your finances and become a millionaire.

I started Gen Wealth because what you don’t know can hurt you. Financial education- how to budget, invest, and use government created tax-advantage savings accounts to become a millionaire- is not taught in schools. This lack of financial knowledge can very well cause everyday people at retirement to become dependent on the Social Security Trust Fund, which the Wall Street Journal has stated “will be depleted by 2034.”

NOW is the time to learn about budgeting, the stock market, investing, taxes, tax – advantaged saving accounts, and estate planning techniques. The articles I have written on these topics, and more, are comprehensive and designed to give you a complete understanding of a topic. I write using my background in business, law degree, and LLM in Taxation from NYU, but in a way that anyone can understand. All of my articles present different tax consequences, which you need to understand before making implementations in your own life.

The best piece of advice I was given was that if you do nothing else in life but make contributions to certain tax – advantaged savings accounts, which Gen Wealth teaches you about, YOU too can become a MILLIONAIRE. It really is as easy as it sounds and is something that I preach. So, if you learn nothing else from me, other than how to become a millionaire using tax-advantaged savings accounts such as IRA’s, HSA’s, 529’s, Child Roth’s… etc., I’d say you are doing pretty good!

I hope you join me in becoming apart of the next generation of millionaires & I wish you health, wealth, and happiness on this next chapter of life!

Alexandra Lasco